AngryGackt: hey Kagato: yo AngryGackt: did you hear about lindze's dad? Kagato: ..nikki.... Kagato: you just like.. Kagato: scared me... so bad... Kagato: cuz when I first read that it looked like "did you hear that Lindze's dead?" AngryGackt: OH Kagato: I swear my heart jumped into my throat. AngryGackt: NO AngryGackt: gahhhh Kagato: I was chewing on my heart and freaking out until I reread it. AngryGackt: jeeeeessus Kagato: ........>_< AngryGackt: *flails* Kagato: what happened to her dad? ::relaxes:: AngryGackt: He's dead. Kagato: ........