Lee (Bleeding) had this cool-sounding lecturer once They were in like some biology class or whatever and the guy was like "Very few species partake in sex for pleasure. Can you think of some such species?" So everyone is like, duh, humans "Yes, exactly, humans! Humans are not bound by some mating pattern, they will often merely have sex just for the enjoyment of it!" ^^ "So, for example, if I was to ask this girl" (points to some girl in the first row) "if she would have sex with me, she would say yes" lol ^^" and the girl is like covering her face and everything =D And then the dude waits for the laughter to die down and goes "Of course, this is rare. Most of the time it is the GIRL who asks ME to have sex with THEM!" He got an ovation =D BWAHAHAHAHA