dentist gave me a temp crown and a HUGE lump of filling to hold it on. now I can feel the pain starting as the painkiller wears off and my jaw don't sit straight. In fact the temp crown is like sharp and shitty and I could bite my tongue off with it. Why?  Linkin Park's music is awesome.  Their Lyrics leave a lot to be desired, but I don't put much stock in lyrics yeah i like the music a lot the guitar I like their reliance on more non-rock related instruments. Like Pro audio and piano yea i just got my conversations crossed i'm like "what the how does dentistry involve Pro audio" i guess they can blast your plaque off with sound yeah they use a air blaster thing too * MO-Pantsu whimpers "CRAAAAAAAAAWLING IN MY SKIIIIIIIIIIN" well fuck this, i'm leaving