haha yeah being a plumber would be fucking awesome actually like if i had my own fuckin' company with a van and shit like i'd go in to a plumbing business with a friend cuz like when you got two motherfuckers putting the time and money in you can buy a van you can buy fuckin tools you can buy advertising and shit haha i'd have the funniest fucking public access commercials for my plumbing business like some dude would be taking a shit and he'd jiggle the handle and he'd be like ".....FUCK!" then he falls over on the toilet and grabs the phone and calls me and he's like "HELLPP!!!" then i bust through the fucking wall and fucking beat the shit out of a big monster in the toilet1 with a plunger and the dude is laying in his own shit on the floor with the phone in his hand and after i won the fight he'd be like "THANK YOU ZAMROS INC" and he'd hug me and i'd get shit all over me and i'd be like "ALL IN A DAY'S WORK" and then bust through the other wall