it began with the forging of the great servers three were given to the geeks, immortal, wisest, and fairest of all beings seven to teh jock-lords, great football players and craftsmen of the locker halls and nine, nine servers were given to the race of men whom above all else desired PRON within the servers was a power that could govern each class but they were all of them deceived for another server was made stile, the deceiver, forged in secret a master server to control all others one server to rule them all one by one the people of the servers fell to the great power of the master server but there were some who resisted a great alliance of geeks and jocks marched against the fanboys of stile and on the slopes of blogwars they fought for the freedom of good, and only good pron AAAHHH FAPFAPFAPFAPFAPFAPFAP victory was near but the master server could not be stopped the dark lord stile killed brunot son of brunob and as luck should so have it brunob cut the wiring of the master server stile the enemy of good, decent pron of the earth was wanked out of existence