lispy: I have this horrible addiction to food. I try to quit, but I just get wracked with pain after a day or two every time and just have to have a cheeseburger. They only told me the positive effects of food. Nobody ever told me food would be hard to quit. their highly addictive products which are advertised as safe got me hooked and ruined my teeth and put me at high risk for heart disease and diabetes exactly and from what I hear, mcdonalds is ruining my liver Not to mention high cholestorol baloo: i find myself horribly addicted to O_2...i can't go five minutes without it...i get shakey and light headed...i'll fight someone that won't let me get my O_2 fix ok bal, I don't buy that pepsi gave me high colesterol lispy: I know what you mean. I get the same way about water after a couple hours on a hot day. lispy: yeah, the 02 addiction is nearly as bad as my dihydrogen monoxide addiction and you know how many bad things dihydrogen monoxide can do malfunct`: Yeah. I mean, holy hell, you mix dhydrogen monoxide and dioxygen long enough undisturbed on the hood of your car and it'll eat right through it. Might take a few years, but it'll do it. baloo: yeah, and how many natural disasters can be traced back to the dihydrogen monoxide as a source baloo: it only takes a couple ounces of that stuff to kill a baby in a matter of minutes if you leave their face in it malfunct`: No kidding. You breathe even a little of that and it'll hurt like hell for days.