A man walked along and saw a ladder going up into the heavens he climbed up a ladder and saw an ugly woman the woman said: 'Take me now or climb the ladder to success' the man got freaked out and started climbing the ladder frantically on the next level, he saw a plain looking woman the woman said: 'Take me now or climb the ladder to success' seeing a pattern here, the man climbs the ladder again on the next ladder, he saw a really hot woman, very beautiful and sexy the woman said: 'Take me now or climb the ladder to success' the man is tempted, but thinks, 'If the woman is hot here, imagine what it would be like in the next level!' and he climbs the ladder on that level there was this fat ugly hell's angel, with a fucking long beard, piercings and decorated with tattoos the man screamed "who the fuck are you?!" the hell's angel said "i am cess"