SouLTaKeR2023: I was on the phone with a friend SouLTaKeR2023: and we happen to talk about foreskin ARazorbladeGrin: amazing SouLTaKeR2023: and my lil bro walks in SouLTaKeR2023: and hes like SouLTaKeR2023: "whats foreskin"? SouLTaKeR2023: Im like SouLTaKeR2023: "Its the skin on the forehead" SouLTaKeR2023: I flicked him on the forehead so he would leave SouLTaKeR2023: and now hes running around the house yelling SouLTaKeR2023: "MAMA ALEX FLICKED MY FORESKIN" ARazorbladeGrin: ROFLROFLROFLROFLROFL