Shit, maybe we shouldn't take hostages from countries whose people are more insane than us. You give back hostages, or we kill all muslim. i think if they piss off china too much, they'll find that china, the US, and britain will turn the middle east into a big walmart parking lot We use nuke. What we care you nuke us? We have billion more people. nuke beijing. we tried sars. it no work We stop birth restriction, we make billion more. Three day. i think china's just being antisocial so someone will thin their population Seriously. China's answer to anything should be "We stop birth restrictions" Stop flooding our markets with cheap goods, or we stop selling you soybeans. We stop birth restriction! Fuck. OK, OK! You can have the damned soybeans! I bet that was the real reason Clinton gave them our satellite codes. You give us code, or we flood world with chinese! All your shirt shrink up like penis in arctic. damn those bad chinese laundry places You never get decent haircut. You explain to women why no manicure. We own you like Hong Kong.