<*> Narutard is distracted by pron <[AN]Kaji> ya.. that'll work every time.. and it's cheaper than taking your GF out <[AN]Kaji> and less time consuming.. porn doesn't nag at you <[AN]Kaji> and when you get bored you can just turn it off.. :P hehe Porn won't complain if you don't quite finish <[AN]Kaji> porn doesnt mind you shgaring it with your friends porn doesn't blame it on you if you don't make it orgasm. <[AN]Kaji> porn wont complain when you bring home the newest version.. porn doesn't mind if you stay out late with the boys <[AN]Kaji> porn is always in the mood.. :P porn is ok with you pulling late hours at the office and it will never say, "My needs aren't being met."