Ford_Prefect: I\'m at 2.0 MBPS!! Navi00: Psh Navi00: What kinda connection?\ JK-63: With your cantenna. Ford_Prefect: DSL Ford_Prefect: no, I am using my standard antenna Navi00: wtf is a cantenna?! Ford_Prefect: because I need the connector for my cantenna JK-63: It\'s a little antenna that can. Ford_Prefect: works better JK-63: You know the story, right? JK-63: The little antenna that pushed the signal through the wall? * Zortexia sits down for the story Ford_Prefect: HE was having trouble carrying data fast enough JK-63: And then, a strange packet came along. JK-63: And encouraged him, because the packet was from A STRANGE ROUTER! *gasp* * Zortexia gasps! Ford_Prefect: I think I can Ford_Prefect: I think I ca Ford_Prefect: *n Ford_Prefect: I think I can Zortexia: LMAO! JK-63: The cantenna pushed and pushed as hard as he could, and got a signal through to the strange router! Zortexia: yay for cantenna! Ford_Prefect: and downloaded an entire copy Ford_Prefect: of microsoft XP Ford_Prefect: in one hour * Zortexia eyes get big Navi00: That is the most adorable thing I\'ve ever heard Navi00: loll Ford_Prefect: *pirated I might add Navi00: XD Ford_Prefect: :0 Zortexia: :O Zortexia: then what happened Ford_Prefect: he lived happily ever after leaching off of other people\'s wireless connectiong Navi00: heh heh heh heh JK-63: And the hacker driving the cantenna was very happy with his new copy of Windows XP. Ford_Prefect: the end