Sui Kiogi Az: you have such a succinct way with words you know RuShKiN AsS: Damn skippy i do RuShKiN AsS: I"m a fuckin magician with words RuShKiN AsS: Ask amy! RuShKiN AsS: Watch... you see the word fuck RuShKiN AsS: I'll cut it in two RuShKiN AsS: FU RuShKiN AsS: CK RuShKiN AsS: Now i will make it disapear Sui Kiogi Az: you're a true wordsmith RuShKiN AsS:  RuShKiN AsS: WHERE DID IT GO Sui Kiogi Az: I...don't know ::cries:: RuShKiN AsS: Oh whats that behind your ear... **pulls fuck out**