(&Jet) That reminds me of another funny story (&Jet) Our senior prank last year: (&Jet) (the seniors have now graduated) (&Jet) their first attempt (&Jet) they put birdseed ALL over the ground (&Jet) like everywhere (&Jet) too bad for them it was windy (@Valkarious) LOL, think of all the birdshit (@Valkarious) awww (&Jet) and we have gardeners at our school (&Jet) no wait listen (@Valkarious) man, foiled (@Valkarious) kk (&Jet) the gardeners blew the birdseed (&Jet) INTO THE PARKING LOT (@Valkarious) LOL (@Valkarious) YES (@Valkarious) YESSS (&Jet) Yeah baby (@Valkarious) oh man (@Valkarious) that's classic (&Jet) so much bird shit on everyone's cars (&Jet) it was fantastical (Leprae) LOL