People who abuse animals should be shot in the face. <29fps> If I can kick an animal's ass, then that's natural selection at work right there, baby. We were put on this planet to conquer, and today's pansy-ass hippies are nothing but a disappointment in God's eyes. <29fps> What do you think the guy at the golden gates is checking under your name in his big book when you're standing in line? How many puppies you've kicked in your life, that's what. Isn't it the pearly gates? Or are you talking about that homeless guy who stands in front of SanFran yelling? If that doesn't sound like God, I don't know what does. <29fps> IT'S WHATEVER GATES THE GOOD LORD WANTS, PEARLY GATES, GOLDEN GATES, BILL GATES, WHATEVER. If it's Bill Gates I really think I'd rather go to hell.