I had something like that happen to me once. And vengeance is a plate best served cold. * Sectoid^Authopsy sits down for storytime I saw some asshole stealing my pack of cigarettes from my table while I was getting another beer. But of course, as I confronted him, he denied it flatly, and all the sudden four of his mates were getting ready for a fight and shit. So I decided to back down, and rather get one over him later. Of course, living in an army camp has it's advantages, such as easy access to ammo. o_0 So I took two Winner Tip cartridges, a little bit of tobacco, and quite a generous amount of gunpowder from a blank I 'obtained', topping it off with tobacco to get a proper look. Next weekend, I leave my pack containing two cigs rather indiscreetly at my table when I see this assholes is at the pub, and go to pick up another beer. When I come back, the pack has vanished. So I get hold of one of the bouncers, telling him that I saw someone carrying "what looked like fireworks around". Ten seconds later, there's some nasty fizzing, a lot of smoke and a huge fucking flame coming from one of the corner tables, and seconds later, the same thing happens in the hand of one of the guys sitting there. And at this point, it has to be mentioned that watching two bouncers pull a screaming guy with no eyebrows left, and a nasty burn up half his face out of a pub, 'accidentally' drop him down the stairs, and finally call the cops on him, does lead to a certain smugness. The morale is, don't you ever fucking touch my cigarettes. I can probably spare you one if you ask, but fucking ask first, okay?!