[vvandering_nomad] I took some of that fake blood one night, and made it look like my eye was gushing blood. I walked up to the front office of the complex where this poor cute little asian gal was working. [vvandering_nomad] I walked up to her and said "Is Student Health Services open?" [Lehsa] ROFL [vvandering_nomad] I scored some free wet-naps! [Ku'vah] LOL [Lehsa] you are so mean Nomie [Ku'vah] I need to get some fake blood [vvandering_nomad] She almost called an ambulance, until I convinced her that I was "getting some pills for it." and that it "Happens every winter." [Lehsa] LOL [Lehsa] rofl [Ku'vah] LOL [lvlarein] Haha