I ran across the worst named person in the world today... I'm sitting in the waiting room at my doctor's office, waiting for a physical before I go off to college in a few weeks. I'm a little early and there are other people in the waiting room so when the nurse comes out to call the next person I'm pretty sure it's not me. She walks out of the hallway, looks down at her clipboard and immediately turns around and goes back behind the door. She's obviously talking to some of the other nurses. When she comes back about 30 seconds later, she looks at the clipboard, takes a deep breath and says: "Shithead O'Neal, the doctor's able to see you now." A large black woman stands up quickly and yells in a surprsingly stereotypical black women voice "IT'S PRONOUNCED SHAW-THEED!" She storms off after the nurse, who is apologizing very loudly and everyone in the waiting room just looks at each other and exchange a few laughs and snickers.