So yeah, guys, my dad and I had a big arguement last night...It's actually pretty fucking awkward. Yeah? Tell us about. Heh, you guys aren't going to believe this...but anyways. So last night, my sister was trying to get her AOL connection shut off (yes, I know...who the fuck still uses AOL?) and I decide to go to the regional chatrooms 10 minutes in the chatroom, some random guy IMs me and is like "ASL" so I fuck around with the guy saying "19/F/WY" The guy starts tripping out and is like "omg, I'm from Wyoming!" and so I'm like "Oh, really? What part?" the guy goes "Cheyenne"...I shit myself. I'm from Cheyenne! Out of nowhere, the guy asks for my phone I was feeling a bit mischievious and I wanted to have my sister talk to him and then we would just prank the guy. Well, I give the guy my number and out of nowhere he goes..."JAKE!? What the fuck!?" I trip out and I'm like "Who the hell are you? And how do you know my name/number!?" and he goes "GET THE FUCK HOME RIGHT NOW!" It was my dad...