Woah, I got the weirdest moment of my entire life this morning what happened? you know, there was a party at my neighbours' last night yeah, you've been fucking drunk.. you've been there, too? sure... well, you see i can't remember anything but this morning I woke up in my bed, and there was my mom lying next to me. wtf...? That's exactly what i thought So, my mom got up instantly when i woke up, smiled at me and said "U're so much better than your dad is." then she left the room OMFG!!! you didnt do that! TELL ME IT WASNT LIKE THAT!!! TELL ME YOU'RE A DUMBASS LIAR!!! no, i'm not lying OMG!!! but it turned out she was playing a trick on me. Paycheck for coming home late, all drunk. ... your mom's such a freak. o.O