OMG guys you gotta hear this So i goes to the grocery store to pick up smokes and a frozen pizza. I get my things and head to the 12 items or less line. i get in line just as the guy in front of me is setting his items down on the conveyor belt thing his items were: get this   a box of condoms, a medium sized cucumber, a tub of margarine and a 12 pack of beer I imediatly am thinking "lolwut?" well i couldnt help but make that reverse nasal snort sound you make when your trying to keep from laughing. well  i couldnt help but make that reverse nasal snort sound you make when your trying to keep from laughing. oops the guy and cashere must have heard it because they both turn to look at me im grinning from ear to ear now and my eyes are darting from the guys face and the items he had on the belt i catch the casheirs eye and i look at her and shes looking at me like 0_0 and shaking her head "no dont!" this all was a few seconds but it felt like an eternity... well i finaly says to myself: "shift, youve gone this far, may as well say something" so i say to the guy (still with this huge grin) "going to a party?" The girl just loses it and starts laughing the guy just scowls at me looks to the girl and walks away leaving his items there at the checkout it was kinda awkward pizzas good though