there's a retarded kid who picks up coins well did when we went to high school he would stop for even a penny well, my girlfriend at the time had a huuuuge collection jar and she brought it to school one morning so we could put them all over the place and we walked outside to where he was hanging out and i pretended to trip and fall right in front of him and the coins went FUCKING EVERYWHER but not only did he pick up all the coins he would pick them up 1 at a time every time he bent over he was there for fucking EVER and then my little sister and my friend zac on one of the days i was suspended superglued a fucking quarter and put it on the ground and it got stuck to his hand and he was swinging his hand around screaming in his tard voice and, apparently everyone and their god damned mother laughed for ever yeah, i'm a shitty human so what <||bass> you're my hero