JxJ: im sleepy and I need something to pick me up, what should I drink? GCa: Well, a  can of coke has about 45 mg of caffeine. A shot, about 90. 8oz drip coffee 180-220. Ice coffee ~250+. GCa: These are estimates, btw GCa: My ultimate pick-me-up drink was an iced venti coffee with no ice, add two-three shots, a couple pumps of syrup and top it with cream GCa: Then I would slam it... INSANE amounts of caffeine GCa: Approx 16oz (you can get 32oz now) of iced coffee (500mg)+3 shots (270mg)= 770 mg of caffeine, or the equivalent of 17 cans of coke at once GCa: I used to pull up allnighters on that stuff just to ace finals. never failed anything. Dorne: shit, at that point caffeine is basically coke GCa: Don't try to drive while on that. JxJ: what the hell was your major? GCa: english