I couldn't decided what I wanted so I just got one box of each type of fruit snacks, some gummy bears, and 5 pints of americone dream ice cream When I went up to the checkout, the lady looked at me like I was crazy after she finished ringing me up I'm not sure if it's cause I spent $100 on fruit snacks, or if it was cause I had a sword Anyway, so I tie the bag handles around the hilt of the sword, cause there's too many bags to carry, and I set off down the road nobody tries to stop me I get about 3 of the 6-7 blocks towards home down when a police cruiser pulls up beside me and tells me to put everything down and put my hands on my head Luckily, as I've said before, the cops in the UC/Converse area are cool as shit It's only SAPD that sucks So the first thing the cop says is "Is that a weapon son?", to which I reply "It's a sword, officer" So, I reply "No officer, I just wanted some fruit snacks." Now he's really giving me a look, and puts his spotlight right in my eyes He says "Are you high son?" "No officer, just a little drunk." He's like "Alright, well since you've been honest with me, let's get you home. Let me see your ID." So I give him my driver's license, he tells me to hop in the back, and he takes me to my house and drops me off I ate an entire box of fruit snacks in the back seat of a police cruiser He even let me keep my sword